Festival of the moon 1800s Festival of the moon #IMG738 After the dancers and towards the end of the pageant comes the main feature of the perahera; the tusker carrying the casket containing the Sacred Tooth Relic. « Back | ^ | Next » Share Post Pinterest reddit Messenger Whatsapp tumblr
Prints & Artwork The fort of colombo from the galle-face 1845 Bawantha June 1, 2010 1 min read 0 Description: The fort of Colombo from the Galle-face esplanade John Deschamps
Prints & Artwork Ancient Muthiyangana Temple & Dagaba at Badulla Bawantha June 17, 2010 1 min read 3 Muthiyangana Raja Maha Vihara is an ancient Buddhist temple located in the Badulla District of Sri Lanka.