Kandy 1955 Rare Video Footage

v.5 No Sound

Producer: Watson Kintner
Audio/Visual: silent, color
Location:Kandy, On way to Anuradhapura, Minital, Pallonaruwa.
1955: Reel 11: Ceylon. August 3-4. Kandy.

Elephant with lamps; Tooth Temple area; torch poles, (in Perahera.)
Temple scenes and shrines.
Crowd waiting for Perahera.
Decorated elephant with covered seat, [mws]
Decorated elephants.
People assembling and getting trappings at Tooth Temple.
Chief getting into his auto.
Group with bull whips.
Perahera procession.
Elephants, (in Perahera procession)
Chieftain, (in Perahera procession)
Drummers, (in Perahera procession)
Dancers, (in Perahera procession)
Palanquins, (all Perahera)

This item is part of the collection: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Films

5 thoughts on “Kandy 1955 Rare Video Footage

  1. Hi, i am the the grandson of Hayris Ratawatte, Bassnayeka Nilame of Vishnu Devalaya. it was a great pleasure to see my grandfather on clip as i did not have the pleasure knowing him . Pls e- mail any other footage you may have .Great work- tks nalaka

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