A road scene near Kandy, Ceylon 1910 A road scene near Kandy, Ceylon 1910 #IMG378 « Back | ^ | Next » Share Post Pinterest reddit Messenger Whatsapp tumblr
This is a maXa stuff! At last, it’s great to have someone with exposing the nations pride by delivering the rare collection if snaps and infos. Hat off for the effort. Reply
People & Lifestyle Travel & Transportation Bullock Cart and Driver, Ceylon Bawantha June 30, 2008 1 min read 0 Native bullock hackery, late 1800’s Photographer/Publisher: Charles T. Scowen and Co.
People & Lifestyle Trades & Professions Street Scene, Singhalese shops at Kandy Bawantha June 30, 2008 1 min read 0 Kandy Street Scene and Shops Natives Boutiques, Kandy, CeylonDate:- circa 1880’sPhotographer/Publisher: Scowen?/The Colombo Apothecaries Co., Ltd
This is a maXa stuff! At last, it’s great to have someone with exposing the nations pride by delivering the rare collection if snaps and infos. Hat off for the effort.