Bullock cart near Kandy, Ceylon 1930 – 1940 Bullock cart near Kandy, Ceylon 1930 - 1940 #IMG357 « Back | ^ | Next » Share Post Pinterest reddit Messenger Whatsapp tumblr
this is a bullock hackery used as swift travel in 1880’s by young planters who could not afford a horse. A bullock cart drawn by a span of oxen was for cargo to/from Kandy and Colombo from planting districts. Reply
People & Lifestyle Cinnamon Peeling using Traditional method,Sri Lanka Late 1800s Bawantha June 28, 2010 1 min read 0
this is a bullock hackery used as swift travel in 1880’s by young planters who could not afford a horse.
A bullock cart drawn by a span of oxen was for cargo to/from Kandy and Colombo from planting districts.