
Submit your images

We would very much appreciate your contributions of historic images of Sri Lanka, such as photographs, drawings or inscriptions (Owned or Copyright free). Please be sure to include much information about the image as possible. Currently image upload system is not in place, alernatively you can email us on ……..

Submission guidelines:

  • Image formats: .TIFF, .JPG .PNG and .BMP file extensions
  • Images size minimum width or height of 700 pixels.
  • Images should be scanned at largest size and good quality as possible
  • Before we publish, we will restore dameged images and edit, crop and rotate as required.

Please note: Privacy: If you would prefer that your name not be published, please let us know. We will always credit your work where appropriate & a link back to your site if required.
Your email address will be held in complete confidence. They will not be resold, shared or rented to any third party, and is used internally only to manage users and news letters. We verify all email addresses to prevent malicious site visitor requests, and prevent false spam complaints. You may receive news letters from time to time from our website.