Ancient Hindu Goddess Durga at Anuradhapura 10th century Durga statue found at the ancient city of Anuradhapura #IMG546 Hindu Goddess Durga – 10th century statue found at the ancient city of Anuradhapura, Ceylon 1903 « Back | ^ | Next » Share Post Pinterest reddit Messenger Whatsapp tumblr
i am retd person with my wife want see trikonamalai twemple and tirukeeteswaram temple we r from chennai we want somebody from there to help or guide thank u we want to spend 2 or 3 days Reply
Ruins & Religious Isurumuniya Rock Temple, Anuradhapura Ceylon 1900s Bawantha June 14, 2009 1 min read 0
Ruins & Religious Buddhist Temple at Slave Island, Colombo, Sri Lanka Bawantha February 8, 2009 1 min read 3
i am retd person with my wife want see trikonamalai twemple and tirukeeteswaram temple we r from chennai we want somebody from there to help or guide thank u we want to spend 2 or 3 days