Native Boy with Jak fruit near Kandy, Ceylon Native Boy with Jakfruit near Kandy, Ceylon 1930s #IMG359 Indigenous boy carrying a Jak Fruit (not a Breadfruit) near Kandy, Ceylon. Pub. by Associated Screen News Limited, Montreal – Canadian Pacific Cruise. « Back | ^ | Next » Share Post Pinterest reddit Messenger Whatsapp tumblr
Item in photo is a jak fruit not a breadfruit which does not get much larger than a grapefruit. A jak, however can get twice as large as one here. A lot of info on net about jak. Reply
People & Lifestyle Man in a Bullock Hackery Bawantha July 16, 2009 1 min read 0 A Singalese man in a Bullock Hackery followed by a coolie carrying a box on his head, Ceylon 1903
People & Lifestyle Road Scenes Mt Lavinia Road – Colombo, Ceylon Bawantha June 30, 2008 1 min read 2 P.25 – Click on Image to View Full-size Photograph Colhetty (Kollupitiya) Road Mt Lavinia Carts Colombo Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Colpetty or Kollupitiya Bazaar, Colombo Photography/Publisher:The Colombo Apothecaries Date/Era: c.1910
Item in photo is a jak fruit not a breadfruit which does not get much larger than a grapefruit. A jak, however can get twice as large as one here.
A lot of info on net about jak.
Thanks Patrick