The Gateway at Fort Frederick (built in 1675), Trincomalee, Ceylon

The Gateway at Fort Frederick, Trincomalee, Ceylon
The Gateway at Fort Frederick, Trincomalee, Ceylon #IMG390

Fort Fredrick is a fort built by Portuguese at Trincomalee, Sri Lanka in 1624. It was built from the debris of the Hindu temple – Koneswaram temple (Temple of a Thousand Pillars) that was destroyed by the Portuguese. This was captured by a Dutch fleet under Admiral Westerwold in 1639. Not until 1665 was a new fort built here by the Dutch defend against the advancements of the British and the French. In 1672, the year when the Dutch Republic was attacked by France, Britain, and two German states, the French captured Trincomalee and later they occupied Batticaloa. However soon the French were forced to leave. Trincomalee was important for its large all-season secure harbor. In late 18th century Trincomalee traded hands once more with the French capturing it again and later handing back to the Dutch East India Company (VOC) at the Peace of Paris in 1784. In 1795 it was taken over by the British, and remained a British garrison till 1948. Coastal artillery guns were added during the two World Wars. -wiki-

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Date: 1925.

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3 thoughts on “The Gateway at Fort Frederick (built in 1675), Trincomalee, Ceylon

  1. I used to live inside this fort – in Wellesley Lodge/house. Please please will some one tell me or send me pictures of this beuatiful house. I have photos there when I lived there many many years ago.
    Happy Christmas

  2. Still trying to find old pictures about 1st hand information on Fort Frederick & the huge place of Wellesley lodge. Must be some old Britishers. c.1953/55 John. Resident now in ULK

  3. Dear John,
    Wellesley lodge still stands looked after well by the Gajaba regiment of the Sri Lanka Army. It serves as its officers’ mess.
    Will be glad to share pictures of it.
    Will also like to have any historical facts n pictures if it that at you may have.
    Best regards
    Andrew Wijesuriya
    SL Air Force

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