Documentary Film on SRI LANKA

Government Film Unit, Department of Government Information, Sri Lanka
The earliest reference to this island widely dubbed as the pearl of the Indian Ocean, came in the Indian manuscript called ‘Skanda Puranaya’. Then it was also referred to in the ‘Ramayanaya’ that came several centuries later. According to the Ramayanaya,Sri Lanka was the homeland of the dominant king ‘Ravana’.Ancient astronomers believed that the equinoctial point of the universe was positioned in ‘Sri Lanka Puraya’ -the then capital of this country.

2 thoughts on “Documentary Film on SRI LANKA

  1. sir, as u mentioned there is three part of the documentary film is uploaded but might have you not noticed that the part one is repeated again instead of part three.. so if u just look at the problem and clear my query then i would be thankful to you…any way these vedeos are extremely valuable for me as a student of art history….

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