Elephant transporting a boiler to Tea Factory

Elephant transporting a boiler to Tea Factory Elephant transporting a boiler to Tea Factory – P023A – Click to View Full Image

Early Sri Lanka Picture of Elephants Sending a boiler to a tea factory, Ceylon.

From Marshall, Sons & Co., Gainsboro England.
Photography/Publisher: W.L.H. Skeen and Co.
Marshall, Sons & Co., Gainsboro England Marshall, Sons & Co., Gainsboro England – P023B

3 thoughts on “Elephant transporting a boiler to Tea Factory

  1. It is pathatic to note that the coffee and tea plantation workers of ceylon toiled for more than 180 years to build this nation still lives the same life they lived 180 years ago.why?

    Expose the problems of srilankan upcountry tamil people to the world.Currently this population is under privileged and denied basic human rights.Even being permanent residents for a period of 175 years, very resantly only (in 1985) they had given citizenship and voting rights.This people needs to be helped.Since 1992 the entire population re gained citizenship and voting rights,but,they are not govern by parliament or other local government authorities..
    visit http://www.updrf.blogspot.com

  2. Iam ecologiest working in asia an african countries doing reasearch about elephant.iam so intrest about this old elephant fotos thanks

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