Vintage Singer sewing machine advertisment Ceylon 1892

Singer sewing machine advertisment 1892
Singer sewing machine advertisment 1892 #IMG285

Singer Advertising Card – Issued as a Souvenir of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois

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Color chromolithograph trading card (not a postcard) of a couple from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) in “native” Sinhalese costume, posing next to a Singer sewing machine. Part of a “Costumes of All Nations,” set created as a souvenir at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition.

Creation Date: 1892

Creator Name: J. Ollmann Lith Co.

Copyright: Singer Manufacturing Company 1850-1975

Text on back: “CEYLON, This is a picturesque island in the Indian Ocean, separated from Peninsular India by the Gulf of Manaar. It is 271 miles long by 137 wide, is a Crown colony of Great Britain and entirely independent of British India. Its capital city is Colombo. The dominant race is the Singhalese, who are genuine Buddhists and very tenacious of their castes. There are also many natives of Arabic descent, besides the Portugese [Portuguese], Dutch and English. Our photo, taken on the spot, represents the Singer Manufacturing Company’s employees in their national costume, The Company have offices in all the principal cities, and sell a large number of machines.” One of four cards not included in the set at PH 2359.

6 thoughts on “Vintage Singer sewing machine advertisment Ceylon 1892

  1. Two sewing machines : one for the woman and one for the man ( !?). What does it mean ? 19°century Singhalese were more modern than 21° century westerners ?

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